Yes, there are some bugs and problems. They will be fixed all respecting priorities... We count also on your feedback to find problems ! Click here to submit a bug to project site.
Help file is not up to date.
Most of the context sensitive help for program dialogs are not implemented yet. So pressing "?" button on the title bars does not have
any effect.
File|New File menu item shows un ugly dialog to choose the type of the document to create (solution on the way for the next version).
Most of the property windows are read-only and incomplete. They will remain read-only until a stable release for modifying
schema structures.
Sometimes crash occurs after commiting a file to registry!
Import fails most of the time. This seems to be an e*Gate bug! Use e*Gate
for imports till it gets fixed.
There is nothing in the help file yet! (be patient)
Monk syntax help does not recognize all keywords (i.e. pressing F1 on copy-strip does not bring help on copy-strip).