Project To Do List You will find here what is plannified to be done for the next versions. They are brief descriptions about what to do (even sometimes not in correct grammar) for the development.
Correct known problems.
Complete property pages.
Schedule entry dialogs.
Double list management (for many dialog boxes where an item is selected from a list to be inserted into the second one).
Add an ETD editor for Monk (big job!).
Add a collaboration editor (big job!)
Add monitoring capabilities !
Add a module configuration editor (big job!)
Propose last login when the user press login button on the toolbar.
Finalize import operations.
Deployment solutions (importing schemas, a deployment wizard to configure schemas).
Add program options dialog.
Add shell integration for supported file types.
Add embedded run (in output panel) for local control brokers.
Add new file dialog like in VS6.
Add more java support.
Add ipmp client.
Improve help file.
Add a user's guide.
Add more Enterprise Manager operations for registry objects (create, modify, delete).